Jeff Soules wrote:
Is that enough of an answer or is there any HAL fanboy left who want's to
battle choice?

I'm not a HAL fanboy.  In fact, I couldn't care less.  From the
descriptions, it sounds like HAL (like every other piece of software
ever written) solves some problems while potentially creating others.
Such is life.

But your argument against HAL is:

Ok, let us assume I wouldn't be able to remove HAL from a installed Debian
without breaking X11 permanently and I have a random problem [...snip...]
The answers will very likely force(!) me(!) to learn to understand how to
alter the HAL configuration

Or basically:

"What if I have to use HAL, and then what if HAL breaks?  I might have
to learn how to fix it!"
Technology moves forward.  You do have a choice; I mean, if you liked
you could even just run XFree86 on a Potato box, or something.  But
did you start using Debian because you dislike learning new things?
It's unpleasant to have your old tools taken away, but surely you have
more concrete objections than what you've voiced so far?
I'd love to agree with you.  I don't have a dog in this fight; I'm
ready to be convinced.  But I'm afraid that right now you're coming
across as yelling at HAL to get off your lawn, and that's probably not
the strongest case you could make.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Dirk<> wrote:
What is the 'best part of Linux' that HAL neglects?
The complete absence of automation if I choose not to want/need it.

The ability to mount devices myself, or not.

The ability to do what I want.

You've not yet explained what these negative effects are. Could you please
do so without reference to Windows or Ubuntu?

Ok, let us assume I wouldn't be able to remove HAL from a installed Debian
without breaking X11 permanently and I have a random problem (pick one from
this list:

So I turn here and ask how to solve the problem.

The answers will very likely force(!) me(!) to learn to understand how to
alter the HAL configuration while it should be possible not to install HAL
in the first place if it wasn't made a needlessly requirement(!) for running
a Debian desktop.

Is that enough of an answer or is there any HAL fanboy left who want's to
battle choice?


I start to wonder how much words and effort the actual package maintainers would use to avoid turning a dependency back into a recommendation when the users already have such a mindset.

Poor Linux.


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