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Micha wrote:
> On 31/10/2009 16:06, Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
>>>> For a desktop you want one of these but there is a debate which.
>> Not necessarily. I've been running 'lenny' on my workstations for some
>> time and it works great.
> I also know people who still run windows 98 and it works great, it
> doesn't mean that it's the right desktop solution

The fact that you compare lenny to win98 just tells us that you don't
know much about debian (and/or about win98).

As I wrote, your mileage may vary and there can be valid reasons to use
testing or sid on workstations. One of the is that the next stable
version of workstation software will benefit from a larger number of

However, your claim that 'stable is not a right desktop solution' is an
offence against our developers and the security team who put a lot of
work and effort in releasing stable versions of gnome, kde, iceweasel to
name a few -- and then continue their efforts and work on security
updates for those workstation packages.

BTW, did I mention that lenny works great as a desktop system?

Please try to convince the people running win98 to run it inside a
virtual machine on a lenny system and continue trolling somewhere else,
not here.

- --

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