On Tue, Sep 07, 2010 at 09:16:26AM -0400, B. Alexander wrote:
>    I'm just wondering, since firefox/iceweasel seems to be getting unusable.

What is unusable about Iceweasel?

>    I have a 2.2GHz C2D box with an nvidia card at home, and a 3.0GHz C2D with
>    a (lame) ATI card at work. I find that firefox (or xulrunner-stub) have
>    memory leaks, and after a couple of days, it eats up a significant amount
>    (10-30%) of memory. The work box has 3GB and the home box has 4GB. It also
>    eats up a significant amount of CPU.

This isn't a memory leak. I mean, I'm sure there might be a bug where
there are small amounts of memory leaks, but the massive amounts of RAM
you're chewing through is a feature, not a bug. Your browser is caching
all the pages for each tab you use. The more the tabs, the more the
cache. The more the cache, the more the RAM you chew through. This is
fundamental to all tab-based browsers.

Eating up CPU is another story. If you do have CPU problems, check your
tabs to see if there are any flash-intensive pages in animation. If you
haven't installed an ad blocker by this point in your life, I would
recommend it. You should notice less bandwidth consumed, which means
faster loading pages, and blocking the annoying flash-based ads that do
require CPU to perform. If your browser is chewing through CPU without
any pages showing some sort of heavy animation or javascript, then I
would troubleshoot the issue, and see what you can nail down.

>    This morning, after idling all weekend, iceweasel on my work system was
>    chewing up between 70 and 100% of my cpus, and scrolling pages were
>    hesitating for several seconds.

Again, check your tabs, and see what's actively running on the page
(videos, flash ads, etc).

>    So what do others use?

I use the 'chromium-browser' package with Sid. I can't wait for the next
stable release before the latest version of Iceweasel hits Sid. I'm too
impatient with my browser releases. If chromim-browser doesn't hit v6
soon, I'll re-enable the Google repository, and grab

Iceweasel 4 might win me back with hardware acceleration and tab-candy,
but Chromium 7 is looking to bring a lot of those features to the user
as well. We'll see. Right now, I'm a Chromium user.

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