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On Tue, 07 Sep 2010 12:44:34 -0600
Aaron Toponce <xxx> wrote:

> On 09/07/2010 10:15 AM, Morgan Gangwere wrote:
> You must not use Chromium/Chrome then. It chews through much more
> memory with its process-per-tab feature. Much more than Firefox too.

Actually, I have used Chromium on this box, and used it for quite a
while. It was speedy enough at the time, but Midori has proven to be
much better.
> Again, this is the feature of any tab-based browser. You are caching
> each page in each tab. Not only are you caching the pages, but the
> browser needs to keep track of what page is associated with what tab,
> and the tabs history independent of the others. This is a feature, and
> you can turn this off it if bothers you. Worst case, don't use tabs,
> and you'll notice your browser using much less memory.

Here's the problem though: Disk thrashing is *bad*. I mean *really*
bad. I dislike it when an app decides that there's an infinite amount
of bandwidth available to them, both for network access and disk
access. Anything that *relies* on disk caching (save, maybe for a
swapdisk) is generally going to *slog*.

What FF does is not cache the /content/ to disk, but the ENTIRE memory
stream. This would be good if I had a nice set of SATA-3 RAID'd disks
with a link right to the mobo, but its *not* good when you have a tiny
little PATA disk that barely pulls 40GB. 

I'm not going to argue semantics or details (especially not here) but
this is more a fundamental flaw of application design as it is
currently taught. I took a C++ class where the instructor used a book
which claimed that "Desktop computers have at lest 1GB of RAM available
at any one given time" and that malloc'ing 1GiB at a time is a "Good
Idea". they also claimed that "Modern Computers have at least 10GB of
free space" -- I've worked on boxes (debian boxes even!) where the free
space was measured in /a few hundred megs/. 

Software Development as it is taught assumes the Greatest Thing Since
Last Wednesday™ and it gets on my nerves. Coming from 

> Midori also doesn't have extension capability, and its plugin
> architecture is severely limited. Your browser does a lot for you, a
> lot more than I think you realize. Midori doesn't use the amount of
> RAM Firefox does, because its feature set is substantially smaller.
> You could call this "bloat" in Firefox, if you wish, or crucial
> productivity tools.

I don't use extensions to begin with, so I can't pass judgment. I do
know that the extension framework in Midori is good enough that
Adblock has been ported over, though.  

I so far have /not/ had many problems with Midori. I guess I'm just
used to software crashing because I'm normally a Windows guy*.

- --
Morgan Gangwere
"The light you see at the end of the tunnel is your imagination."

* Fillet me later, I have college to deal with.
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