On Lu, 13 dec 10, 10:50:16, Frank Church wrote:
> >
> > Please ask on Ubuntu lists for help next time.
> Aren't ubuntu questions welcome here?

Please don't take it the wrong way, it's not that we don't want to help 
Ubuntu users[1][2], it's just that some of our advices will not work, be 
completely wrong or even dangerous for an Ubuntu system.

[1] actually it's quite the opposite, many Ubuntu users solved their 
problems on debian-user, but it is important to mention you use Ubuntu, 
preferably in the Subject, so that the people using it can chime in, and 
all others can add proper warnings for their suggestions or ignore if 
not interested.

[2] there have been occasional complaints about Ubuntu questions on 
debian-user, even in cases were they were properly marked as such, but I 
don't think it applies to all or even most of the subscribers.

Kind regards,
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