> I would just return-back the unit. It is clearly new (less than 400 hours
> of use!) and should not throw any error nor message about its SMART
> health. This does not have to mean a bad drive per se, of course, but
> better safe than sorry. If a new unit still fails, I would recheck the
> cable and/or disk connectors.
I am not sure how the warranties on hard drives work. I spoke to the
retailer and he reckons it has to go back to the manufacturer. There is a
wait of 2 weeks.

As I mentioned earlier, last time I got this error I wrote random data to
the drive and just before taking it back I ran the tests again using the WD
tool. It came back with no errors. This is what is confusing. I expected it
to register bad sectors after wiping the whole drive as well.

Kind regards,

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