d-i uses parted (partman).

> I know the first release of Squeeze failed to properly align 4K sectors
> with partitions - but using the udeb from Wheezy fixed that for me - it
> could be fixed in a previous point release, and, it could be just a DOS
> partition table issue (what I used in that instance). I could have manually
> aligned partitions but I'm lazy.
> NOTE: neither fdisk or parted is the cause of your original problem...

This is what I thought. I suspect it's got something to do with the kernel.
I am just using the default Sqeeze kernel 2.6.32-5-686.

> http://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2011-0699.html is when more support
> began upstream.
> Sector size is a separate issue, hence your error message:-
> [quote]
> Warning: The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 512 bytes,
> but Linux says it is 2048 bytes.
> [/quote]
> Which seems to indicate a problem with the driver - and the kernel.
> Check that your kernel supports larger sectors - see further in this post -
> if it does, file a bug report on the driver.
> Also see 
> http://lwn.net/Articles/**377895/<http://lwn.net/Articles/377895/>for an 
> overview of the problems.
> NOTE: most Debian kernels do support the larger sectors, but you can check
> with:-
> cat /sys/block/<drive_eg_sda>/**queue/physical_block_size

Here's the output

/sys/block$ cat sda/queue/physical_block_size
/sys/block$ cat dm-0/queue//physical_block_size
/sys/block$ cat dm-1/queue//physical_block_size
/sys/block$ cat dm-2/queue//physical_block_size
$:/sys/block$ cat dm-3/queue//physical_block_size
/sys/block$ cat dm-4/queue//physical_block_size
/sys/block$ cat sr1/queue//physical_block_size
/sys/block$ cat sr0/queue//physical_block_size

>   Isn't� EFI/UEFI needed to use GPT?
> No. It's part of Intel's EFI specs, which I presume is where that
> conclusion comes from (EFI is *not* needed to support GPD).
> If I wipe this disk, I will definitely use GPT.  I also have win 7 on the
disk, wiki says 64bit win7 can be booted from GPT disk.

> Cheers
> Refs:-
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/**GUID_Partition_Table<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table>
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/**Advanced_format<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_format>
> http://wdc.custhelp.com/app/**answers/detail/a_id/5655/~/**
> how-to-install-a-wd-advanced-**format-drive-on-a-non-windows-**
> operating-system<http://wdc.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5655/%7E/how-to-install-a-wd-advanced-format-drive-on-a-non-windows-operating-system>
> http://www.wdc.com/wdproducts/**library/whitepapers/eng/2579-**771430.pdf<http://www.wdc.com/wdproducts/library/whitepapers/eng/2579-771430.pdf>
> http://people.redhat.com/**msnitzer/docs/io-limits.txt<http://people.redhat.com/msnitzer/docs/io-limits.txt>
> What baffles me is when I run the WD data lifeguard tool from windows 7
partition, it comes back saying the following:

Test Option: QUICK TEST
Model Number: WDC WD7500BPKT-60PK4T0
Unit Serial Number: WD-WX31E1177192
Firmware Number: 01.01A01
Capacity: 750.16 GB
Test Result: FAIL
Test Error Code: 06-Quick Test on drive 1 did not complete! Status code = 07
(Failed read test element), Failure Checkpoint = 97 (Unknown Test) SMART
self-test did not complete on drive 1!
Test Time: 02:52:40, September 11, 2011

Model Number: WDC WD7500BPKT-60PK4T0
Unit Serial Number: WD-WX31E1177192
Firmware Number: 01.01A01
Capacity: 750.16 GB
Test Result: FAIL
Test Error Code: 08-
Test Time: 13:23:34, September 11, 2011

Last time it did the same and after wiping the drive, it passed without any
issue. I believe this is what is going to happen again. Also, if it's
reporting bad sectors from Windows7, I don't think it's a Linux specific
issue. Correct me if I am wrong.
Kind regards,

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