On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 13:26:23 +0100, David Goodenough wrote:

> On Wednesday 26 Oct 2011, Camaleón wrote:


>> >> It basically documents the most common operations done from "iw".
>> > 
>> > Yes, I know I can do it manually, I was looking for the same kind of
>> > alias that wireless-tools provided.
>> If they're not docummented and because this is an ongoing work, I'd say
>> there is none (or at least "none" that I am aware of) ;-(. Are you
>> missing a specific command?
>> Anyway, it seems that the usual set of tools¹ (the ones you mention)
>> are still available.
>> ¹http://linuxwireless.org/en/developers/Documentation/Wireless-Extensions
> You are misunderstanding what I am asking for.  

Hum? I thought you were looking for iwconfig/iwlist/iw* commands 

> I want to be able to write the iw equivalient of:-
> iface wlan0 inet static
>       wireless-essid Test
>       wireless-channel 7
> Given that iwconfig is now deprecated 

Okay, I will have to ask... who has told you that? "wireless-tools" package is 
still available in Debian and he upstream project is just on the way to replace 
it but they are still needed in some cases.

> (at least for new wifi interfaces) at a minimum it would be a good idea
> if wireless-XXX used iw.  I will submit a bug to this effect.

That's the recommended/docummented way to manually setup the wifi 
adapter in Debian:


So, what's what are you exactly missing now?



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