On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 12:50 AM, Chris Bannister
<cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 10:52:58AM -0600, Javier Vasquez wrote:
>> On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 9:52 AM, Chris Bannister
>> > I use startx, and only have an .xsessionrc file. I know it is read
>> > because of the xterm settings.
>> Resources, whether for xterm, urxvt, or similar, usually are not
>> configured into .xinitrc, neither .xsession (I never used
>> .xsessionrc).  Instead they are specified in .Xresources and
>> .Xdefaults.  However it might be you "xrdb" them from .xsessionrc,
>> though .Xdefaults the old days was supposed to beloaded automatically
>> without being loaded through xrdb.
>> Now, to make both startx and xdm (and other DMs using .xsession) what
>> is required is to have .xinitrc with execute permissions (.xsession
>> requires them for for several DMs if I recall correctly since it gets
>> executed), and then create a link from .xinitrc to .xsession.
> If I don't call it .xsessionrc, startx doesn't work, it just dumps me
> back to the tty with:
> X.Org X Server (1.12.2 RC 2)
> Release Date: 2012-05-19
> [snip other]
> xinit: connection to X server lost
> The screen doesn't even flicker.
> I am using fvwm, no DM at all.
> I have tried, .xinitrc, .xsession, with and without execute permission,
> all give above messageน: "xinit: connection to X server lost"
> I don't have either an ".Xdefaults" or a ".Xresources" file.
> .xsessionrc works whether it is executable or not
> น I also get that message when I quit fvwm. The point is, X doesn't even
> start in this case.

Have you tried not having your .xssesionrc at all?  Does it provide
the same result to you as with .xsessionrc?

I've been using .xinitrc and .xsession with plain fluxbox (no DE), to
work with plain startx or xdm (other DMs as well such as slim and
wdm), and I have had no problems for around 10 years (well I no longer
use slim neither wdm now a days)...  For setting resources I use
.Xresources and .Xdefaults.

Any ways if you look at the startx man page, you'll see at the bottom
the configuration files.  It only talks about .xinitrc, and .xserverrc
(not .xsessionrc), and I would not play around with .xserverrc, the
one in /etc works just fine.  There's even an example in the example
section there where they call twm.  The last thing to call is the
WM...  If the call for the WM is not there, then Xorg will just start
and then terminate.  But if the WM is called, and Xorg starts and
crashes, then you need to look at the Xorg errors...

If you look at the xdm man page, you'll notice as well in the overview
section, that ~/.xsession needs to be executable, and it's what the
xdm Xsession calls...  There's even an example in there where they
call twm as the WM...  If there's no WM, and you're not using a DE,
then Xorg will start and die.  Same thing with startx.

Now, this is the reason I recommended, to reduce maintaining several
initialization files, just provide execute permissions for .xinitrc,
and then make a link from it to .xsession.  Make sure you call the WM
as the last thing on .xinitrc, "exec startfluxbox" for example, and
don't worry about .Xresources and .Xdefaults yet.  BTW, startx does
not use .xession at all...

Can you provide the .xinitrc you're trying for your startx attempts?
As a fallback, before calling your WM, you can also call xterm, or
some other term, to keep Xorg up while the term is up...  If that
works, then it might be something is wrong when calling the WM...


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