Dňa 25.05.2013 14:51 Marc Stephan Nkouly  wrote / napísal(a):
> Please if any one can advise me on a version of Debian that i can
> install i will really appreaciate what about projects to help young
> people get started ???

You not mentioned the amount of the RAM. Then decision and advise can be
tricky. Here you can find the minimal HW requirements
http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/ch03s04.html for latest Debian.

The first choice for you is the i386 architecture and XFCE (i am using
it, but with plenty of RAM) or LXDE (i have no big experiences with it)
as the Desktop Environment and you will see, if it works. But, be aware
that one thing is run the DE and another thing is run (and work with)
some applications, which have their own RAM requirements.

You can try some Window Managers (without DE) too, as OpenBox, FluxBox
or FVWM crystal, but for these you will need some learning. These are
reported as nicely worked in the 128 MB RAM environments.

About Ubuntu usage, please use the Ubuntu community or the Canonical
support. In todays i am not sure about where is Ubuntu going and if it
will be community or commercial distro in next days.

If you are not Linux experienced user, the Debian isn't best choice for
you, because it isn't targeted to unexperienced users. You can try the
Mint (Debian based - not Ubuntu based).



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