I don't know if anyone has experienced this, and I freely admit that I
don't have a lot of information to go on, so I'm not going to be *too*
surprised if nobody has any ideas. :-)  However, I'm going to give it a
shot; who knows, I might get lucky. <grin>

Since I upgraded from Squeeze to Wheezy yesterday, I've noticed periodic
hangs, where the system seems to just be *seriously* loaded down.  It
happened again this morning - it was so bad I was just about to press
the reset button to force a reboot because I thought the machine itself
was hung.

This morning, the most recent event, I was ssh'd in from my Windows box
that sits in the same room (I was feeling lazy and didn't want to move
the chair to where the Linux computer is lol), and was typing away, when
all of a sudden everything stopped.  No response of any kind.  I reached
over to the Linux box and pressed a key on the keyboard to bring the
monitor awake (monitor will power down, but the system itself I use as
an active mail server, etc., so it is not set to hibernate).  Nothing
happened.  Moved the mouse around, nothing.  Was just getting ready to
"push the button" when some characters I had typed in the ssh session
suddenly showed up.  So I waited a bit.  The monitor started to come to
life.  Things were quite sporadic as it came out.  Freeze, do something,
etc.  The monitor did eventually wake up and the system was responsive

I noticed it shortly after rebooting the system yesterday after
completing the update.

Now, on my main desktop, I keep two windows always open, one running top
and the other tailing the syslog.  Top was showing a load in excess of
5.00 (which I think is a bit excessive...) and was gradually going down.
 The only thing of possible note that I could see in they syslog was
that dbus (I don't remember seeing those messages in squeeze, so I'm
guessing this is new and I'm wondering if it's something I actually
need, but that's a different story :-) ) had just activated a service
called org.freedesktop.PackageKit using service helper, and about 20
seconds after that was two messages saying that rsyslogd had been HUPed
(this is not during the time when logrotate runs, so I'm pretty sure it
wasn't logrotate that HUPed it).

So, anyone have any ideas based on the total lack of useful information
above? :-)


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