Martin Steigerwald grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> Hi David!
> Am Sonntag, 4. August 2013, 08:31:21 schrieb David Guntner:
> […]
>> Since I upgraded from Squeeze to Wheezy yesterday, I've noticed periodic
>> hangs, where the system seems to just be *seriously* loaded down.  It
>> happened again this morning - it was so bad I was just about to press
>> the reset button to force a reboot because I thought the machine itself
>> was hung.
> […]
>> Now, on my main desktop, I keep two windows always open, one running top
>> and the other tailing the syslog.  Top was showing a load in excess of
>> 5.00 (which I think is a bit excessive...) and was gradually going down.
>>  The only thing of possible note that I could see in they syslog was
>> that dbus (I don't remember seeing those messages in squeeze, so I'm
>> guessing this is new and I'm wondering if it's something I actually
>> need, but that's a different story :-) ) had just activated a service
>> called org.freedesktop.PackageKit using service helper, and about 20
>> seconds after that was two messages saying that rsyslogd had been HUPed
>> (this is not during the time when logrotate runs, so I'm pretty sure it
>> wasn't logrotate that HUPed it).
> I suggest using 
> atop -r atop-raw-file -b 12:00 -e 13:00
> as well as
> atopsar
>        -O   Report about top-3 processes consuming most processor capacity.
>        -G   Report about top-3 processes consuming most resident memory.
>        -D   Report about top-3 processes issueing most disk transfers.
>        -N   Report about top-3 processes issueing most IPv4/IPv6 socket 
> transfers.
> To find out which processes are bogging down the system.

Interesting find for me on that one!  It wasn't in the system, but is
now.  From what I've read so far in the man pages and so on, it looks
like the running daemon collects the information and takes a snapshot of
what was happening every 10 minutes.  If this hang happens again, I'm
not sure that this utility will catch it in the act unless things just
happen to line up Just Right. :-)  But it's certainly a cool tool to
have, and I'm glad for knowing about it now.

Just to be clear:  The hang happened yesterday right after I rebooted
the system after doing all the updates, only lasted for a minute at MOST
(probably was a lot shorter, but we all know that when the system hangs
for a bit, it *feels* a lot longer <grin>).  Then again (at least, that
I observed) this morning during the time when I believe anacron was
running all the daily jobs with log rotations, other things, and
tripwire doing it's thing (generating a HUGE E-Mail since everything
changed from its last run).  I'll keep an eye out and if it happens
again, I'll run the command you mention above once it comes out of the
hang to see if by any chance it caught the culprit in the act.


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