Basically the computational strength of any type of encryption
depends on the algorithm and the key length. Any high school kid a
little enthusiastic about Math can calculate and store all primes for
all numbers within 32 bits which are all primes you need to get all
numbers within 64 bit numbers and with some indexing and directed
acyclic graphs you can also have their prime factorization

 Of course, the NSAs and all those companies in cahoots with them do
not exist in a separate physical or logical reality but:

 1st) There isn't really that much actual data out there

 2nd) Technically and "legally" there is nothing they can't do. As the
lavabit case showed to us all gringo companies and their friends MUST
submit to snitching. Period! They even gag order them to not even talk
about it:

 "My Fellow Users, I have been forced to make a difficult decision: to
become complicit in crimes against the American people or walk away
from nearly ten years of hard work by shutting down Lavabit." ...

 BTW, I don't think at all Snowden is some agent or was framed to do anything

 lbrtchx Security?

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