Tony Baldwin <> writes:

> I would say you've misunderstood something.

I believe I didn't. ;)

> A window manager manages windows.


> Tiling has nothing to do with the definition of a DE or WM.

I believe I never did imply that tiling is any in any way related to DE.

My point was simply that e.g. i3 wm along with its status bar, dmenu app
launcher provides pretty much everything one needs (along with one's own
choice of editor, terminal emulator etc.)

However, some people believe that DE is somehow connected with the bloat
where specific DE forces one to install tons of apps no matter whether
one likes/needs them or not.

Finally. my original reply was jsut attempt to provide hint for the 

> If there's a lighter weight DE I'd like to know.  

query. ;)


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whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues.

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