On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 12:59:06PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Sat, 31 May 2014 08:51:13 -0400
> Tony Baldwin <t...@tonybaldwin.info> wrote:
> > Sawfish and openbox, even metacity would fit in this last "just
> > manages windows" category, and, in fact, don't even include a panel,
> > which I think JWM has by default. 
> You're just the person I need to talk to, Tony. Right now I've switched
> over from Xfce to Openbox, and like it. Except for one thing: the fonts
> look a whole lot worse on Openbox, and I have very bad vision, so this
> isn't aesthetics: It affects the speed at which I work. Do you know of
> a way to make fonts on Openbox look like the ones on Xfce?

I don't see a difference, although Openbox does manage fonts differently
to my knowledge.
They should be anti-aliased and all that.
You can select default fonts and stuff in the rc.xml file or with obconf 
(graphical openbox configuration tool). You can choose the font, set size, etc.
Maybe take a look at this thread on the #! forum:
(Crunchbang, #!, is a little distro that is basically Debian with Openbox as 
default WM).

> Now, about Sawfish...
> I just tried Sawfish last night, and was unable to get past the black
> screen. Left click, right click, middle click did nothing. I tried
> various keys, they did nothing. I think once I can configure the thing
> with hotkeys, I can own it, but I can't even get that far. How do you
> begin operating Sawfish?

Hmmm....middle click should give you a menu, at least, 
from which you should be able to find the keybindings configuration tool 
and see the default bindings.
I haven't used it in a good long while, and don't currently have it installed.
Find documentation on their wiki: http://sawfish.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page

all tony, all day long...

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