On 2015-10-09, Francesco Ariis <fa...@ariis.it> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 09, 2015 at 04:08:31PM -0500, Mario Castelán Castro wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I'm looking for a free (as in freedom) software that will remind me of daily
>> tasks. That is it: one in which I can program reminders to be shown daily at
>> a certain hour as a window to catch my attention or as a sound. I have
>> searched in the web, but I have only found unmaintained software that
>> doesn't do this.
> Hello Mario,
>     there are a number of them in Debian: kalarm, tkremind,
> email-reminder to name a few. They are all slightly different
> so play around with them and let us know if they work for your
> tasks


If you're a GNOME 3 user, gnome-clocks is a handy addition to that list.
It's likely that evolution offers similar functionality, but I don't use
it and so I can't cofirm that.



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