On 10/09/2015 05:08 PM, Mario Castelán Castro wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm looking for a free (as in freedom) software that will remind me of
> daily tasks. That is it: one in which I can program reminders to be
> shown daily at a certain hour as a window to catch my attention or as a
> sound. I have searched in the web, but I have only found unmaintained
> software that doesn't do this.
> Thanks in advance.

Adding to the good suggestions already posted,
1) I use gkrellm-reminder which provides a nice gui to set the time and
commands or sounds you require.  Also the clock in gkrellm itself can
set an alarm or sound.

2) ~$ man calendar
    to check out capabilities you already have installed.
3) ~$ apt-cache search remind
    for more packages to review.

Have fun!

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