Greetings all;

Trying to find a web browser that actually works here.  iceweasel has 
been so emasculated that it asks about flash everytime, bringing up a 
requester that has a button labeled "allow and remember", but it doesn't 
remember, you have to do it for every flash presented.  Half of the time 
you click on it, the site has timed out, so you hit reload hoping you 
can click the ok quick enough to make it work THIS time. Usually it 
doesn't, so you never get to read or see that story.

And some news sites stories links are totally ignored, and some get 
a "request entity to large" whatever the heck that is.

So I installed googles chromium, but it crashes and you have to use the 
reload button, hundreds of times a day.

Konqueror is as emasculated as iceweasel.

So I downloaded the vivaldi-beta deb, and tried to use apt-get to 
install, but that spit out several dozen pages of E: lines and didn't.

So I stepped into the deb with mc, and copied its contents to the 
directories it would have been put in, even ran the postinst thing.
Didn't run from a cli.

Poking around in the installed stuff, I find an invalid link 
in /opt/vivaldi-beta/ to /opt/google/, 
on checking that I find I don't have it, as the google stuff in /opt is, 
and I quote "/opt/google/fucked-google" which is an empty directory!

Does anyone have a clue what that is all about?  googles idea of an 
easter egg that disappears if you register chromium which I assume turns 
it into chrome?

Comments please, and what browser are you all using that doesn't hassle 
the user to death, it Just Works, like firefox did 3 years ago.

Thanks all;

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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