On Sunday 03 January 2016 12:21:17 Lisi Reisz wrote:

> On Sunday 03 January 2016 15:02:59 Gene Heskett wrote:
> > So I installed googles chromium,
> Which?  Google Chrome or chromium (debian package).

The latter.  From its about screen:

Version 37.0.2062.120 Built on Debian 7.6, running on Debian 7.9 (281580)

It was updated a few weeks back, which I had hoped would fix the 
crashing, but it made zero diff in that regard.

> > but it crashes and you have to use the
> > reload button, hundreds of times a day.
> >
> > Does anyone have a clue what that is all about?  googles idea of an
> > easter egg that disappears if you register chromium which I assume
> > turns it into chrome?
>  No, they are not the same thing.  There is chromium, which is a
> Debian package and Open Source, and Google Chrome, which is
> proprietary and Just Works (most of the time).
> > Comments please, and what browser are you all using that doesn't
> > hassle the user to death, it Just Works, like firefox did 3 years
> > ago.
> I find that Flash on Iceweasel and Google Chrome both work on Wheezy
> for almost everything.  I don't use Iceweasel a lot because of all the
> security issues.
Yes flash generally works, if you can get past that damned requester fast 
enough.  But when you don't respond, most sites that count clicks just 
ignore you.  cbsnews being the worst, if the adv isn't seen, then you 
can't see the story either.

> Lisi

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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