That, or use the escape key and it may be possible to restore that key binding for when emacs -nw is run so hitting alt works again.

On Mon, 1 Feb 2016, Nate Bargmann wrote:

Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2016 22:28:50
From: Nate Bargmann <>
Subject: Re: Meta key for 'emacs -nw'
Resent-Date: Tue,  2 Feb 2016 03:29:08 +0000 (UTC)

* On 2016 01 Feb 20:07 -0600, Bob Bernstein wrote:
On Tue, 2 Feb 2016, Lisi Reisz wrote:

:-)  "There are no dumb questions.  Only dumb answers."

Okay. Here's one -- I was going to post it in, but you
changed my mind! Emacs running in X honors Alt as its Meta key. But if I
launch 'emacs -nw' to avoid running in X that understanding (Meta == Alt)
evaporates. Perhaps I need to set something specific in my .emacs for the

I've got amd64 Jessie running without systemd and icewm for X.

I don't have an answer, however, I am using Emacs -nw to type this
message calling it from Mutt and running in Xfce Terminal and
Alt-X. etc, works just fine.

What I've not sat down and figured out is how to use Ctl-Left/Right to
navigate word left/right but use Alt-B/F instead.  Even Bash will allow
the Ctl variants.

- Nate


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