* On 2016 01 Feb 21:37 -0600, Bob Bernstein wrote:
> On Mon, 1 Feb 2016, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> >...I am using Emacs -nw to type this message calling it from Mutt and
> >running in Xfce Terminal and Alt-X. etc, works just fine.
> Interesting. Hrrrmmm...so perhaps I can set up Alt as Meta in the
> configuration of the terminal I use in X?

Possibly.  In doing some Ncurses development recently I found a range of
keycodes being sent to an application by the various terminals.
Alt-keys seemed to be consistent amongst them except with Xterm.  I left
rxvt alone.  ;-)

As for defining the keys, I shied away once dealing with terminfo was
involved.  I think it would be easier to configure Emacs.  Wouldn't
~/.inputrc be the place to do that?  I haven't looked yet.

- Nate


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