On Friday 22 April 2016 01:57:51 Mimiko wrote:

> On 22.04.2016 07:49, Michael Milliman wrote:
> > On 04/21/2016 09:18 PM, Gary Roach wrote:
> >> Actually this time it worked for the first time in a month.
> >> Hopefully the problem has been corrected. Thanks for your reply.
> >> Normally we do get a return copy of our posts
> >
> > I have participated in several threads on this list and have asked a
> > few questions on the list.  I never see my own posts, but as I do
> > see the results on the list, I know that they are getting through.
> I've never seen my own posts nor in this list, nor in other lists.
> This is very bad, as there are questions from me which never been
> asked. And I don't know if this is due to the fact that my post didn't
> get to list, or nobody have an answer.

That is an artifact of using gmail, and its not adjustable, nor open for 
discussion with gmail,  BTDT, didn't buy the t-shirt.

What you Mimiko, should be doing is using your own ISP's mail server, 
which on this mailing list I am, by setting up your own email agent.  
There are quite a few available for linux.

I happened to like the older kmail, but new KDE has of late gone down a 
path I am not pleased with, creating new bugs that aren't fixed in a 
timely manner if ever.  So I switched my desktop environment to trinity, 
which is a fork of KDE at the 3.5 level, so thats available but with 
tons of bugs fixed, or as the development r14.x.x branch about 6 months 
ago, and which is getting trainloads of updates as old kde-3.5 era bugs 
are being fixed.  However, since kmail is a single-threaded progam, I 
have off loaded the mail fetching to fetchmail which scans the 2 servers 
I use evey 3 minutes, which hands incoming mail off to procmail, which 
in turns runs it thru clamscand and spamd to try to separate the 
UCE/Viri out if it can, with what survives that being written 
to /var/spool/mail/me.  Thats all done as a background task which does 
not bother kmail by freezeing it up while this is going on.  Computers 
are good at multitasking so use it, particularly if your processor is 

Then the mailwatcher script handles the detection of new mail in that 
directory by noticing the files closing with a session of inotifywait 
watching that directory, which exits back to mailwatcher passing that 
just closed mailfiles name back to mailwatcher. inotifywait is 
immediately relaunched, and a messege is sent to kmail over dbus, to go 
get the new mail from the local mailbox.  The net result of all that 
folderol is kmails fetching the mail freeze is reduced to just a few 
milliseconds while it gets the new mail from there and sorts it to the 
correct kmail folder.

So its all automated, all I have to do is tap the right hand plus key to 
read the next new mail, answer it as I am doing now, and when done a 
ctrl+Enter sends it to the server specified in that folders setup.  I 
have 2 mail servers I can use as I also have a lifetime account at my 
former employers business where I was the Chief Engineer for the last 18 
years of my working life.  Wash, rinse & repeat.  I'm a lazy old fart,  
so I write scripts to simplify things for me.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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