On Friday 22 April 2016 20:20:50 Brian wrote:
> It's a waste of time. Even if you conclusively demonstrated the offending
> header was Message-Id: (and it almost certainly is a major player) what
> would you do? Better is to avoid providers who think it fine to mess with
> your mail. People wouldn't accept Royal Mail or the US Postal Service
> doing it.

I have a particular instance, where it would be useful if I knew what to avoid 
in order to be allowed some "duplicates".  I am now careful to ensure that 
they are not identical, but they are still sometimes treated as duplicates.  
If I were able to analyse why, I could avoid the deletions every time.
> As for duplicates: are the mails sent to the list and the one sent back
> duplicates? That is, identical in every regard?

No.   It is a different situation involving "duplicates" and Gmail.


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