On Mon, 25 Apr 2016 20:22:48 +0100, Joe wrote:

>I've found that a minimal installation, then dpkg --get-selections and
>--set-selections and a bit of judicious /etc copying, to be a fairly
>painless way to get a clean near-copy of an existing installation. I
>migrated a server, I think lenny or squeeze, from 32bit to 64bit
>hardware that way, and it had years of configurations built up by then,
>having started life as sarge. I did actually try a straight copy and
>then an in-place 32bit to 64bit upgrade, but the complexity quickly
>outran my gumption, and I cheated.

Sounds like a plan. I'll look into the external disk thing first. One
final question: Is it even possible to build an all-hardware system?
Different machines have different audio cips, disk controllers, etc.,
so what's the best way to ensure one of these portable builds will run
on as many varieties of hardware as possible? Or is that not a valid
consideration? Maybe what I should be doing is to build the system on
the specific piece of hardware I want to run it on? That way I know it
will run correctly.

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