Hello list,

I do not want to mourn, just searching for an info. 

Can someone tell me, what has changed in the kernel (I believe, it is since 
kernel 3.4, but do not know exactly), that the boot progress hangs about 1 - 
1,5 minutes, when the network is started?

I am using /etc/network/interfaces witrh a static IP, so it should start fast 
and not wait for something. In earlier kernels, there was no wait, just 
straight boot.

Why the delay now? Would be happy, if someone could enlighten me, and maybe 
give me a clue, if I can something configure to improve it.

And please, I do not want to mourn! Just want to know.

Ah, and I do NOT use network-manager (not installed), but wicd instead.

Thanks for reading this.



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