On Thu 15 Sep 2016 at 23:42:22 (-0400), Felix Miata wrote:
> Alan McConnell composed on 2016-09-15 21:02 (UTC-0400):
> > Felix Miata composed:
> >> I'll provide a seed for you to try to fix on your own. This is from Jessie
> >> on a multiboot Dell that includes Windows 10:
> >> # grep ntfs /etc/fstab
> >> /dev/sda6 /win/C ntfs-3g 
> >> nofail,users,gid=100,fmask=0111,dmask=0000,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0
> > Already this doesn't work. 
> Of course it doesn't. A seed isn't a fruiting plant. It's not ready for cut 
> and
> paste.
> 1: /dev/sda6 needs to be adjusted to the partitioning on your HD, a complete
> picture of which you have yet to show us. If Windows is on /dev/sda1, then
> that's what your fstab needs.
> 2: /win/C probably doesn't exist on your Jessie /. You need to choose where
> you want to mount the Windows partition, create a new place if necessary, then
> replace /win/C with that location in your fstab.
> 3: It might be required that you substitute nfts for ntfs-3g in your fstab.

That's the type of mount I posted in
but I think it limits you to readonly, which suits me.

If you (noone is reading this, are they?) decide to go for read-write access,
it might pay to look at "Windows hibernation and fast restarting" on
which is one of several reasons I don't bother with it. I just don't
trust M$ to allow anything outside their realm to work properly.


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