I resolved it.
I have to type (as root)

su - test

and the prompt changes.


Stephan Beck:
> to...@tuxteam.de:
>> On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 10:18:55AM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:

> Sorry, Tomas, it's not Gene, it's me who has a special question
> concerning ssh.
> If you create a new user account ("test"), doing as root
> adduser --disabled-password test
> How can you access this new account to generate an ssh key pair there?
> I cannot login to the account selecting "test" as user in the login
> screen on system startup, it's deactivated.
> I cannot try accessing it by ssh because I need to generate a key pair
> first. Could one generate a key pair for "test" from another account?
> If I try
> ssh test@localhost
> ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused
> or, temporary enabling password authentication for a moment in
> sshd_config, it prompts for a password (that has never been created
> because of the --disabled-password option, see above).
> Or, what am I missing?
> Thanks in advance.
> Stephan
> I also read the doc you linked to in your other message of this thread,
> but I cannot find my use case.

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