mo wrote:
> Am 02.10.2016 um 02:47 schrieb Dan Purgert:
>> mo wrote:
>>> Maybe this is a little OT, but what kind of backup strategy would you
>>> guys recommend? (Any advice Gene? :) )
>> If it *must* survive, 3-2-1 is the way to go.
>> 3 copies (Original, Backup, and Backup of the Backup)
>> 2 different media types (such as HDD(Orig) + HDD(Bk1) + Optical(Bk2))
>> 1 stored offsite
> Except for the offsite storage (Just for my private data) this sounds 
> perfect for my needs. Good thing is that i have two free HDD's here with 
> 2TB each, so this would work ;)

Yeah, I don't have a spare copy offsite either -- but I don't
(currently) have any electronic data that would be absolutely
devastating if I lost it.  If / when I have kids or something, then baby
pics among other things will likely have that status.

> [snip]
> One question Dan: What do u use to encrypt your files? also openssl?

I just use PGP.

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