On Friday 02 December 2016 06:14:34 Jonathan Dowland wrote:

> From what I recall, raspbian's default user is in the sudoers file by
> default too.

Of course it is, Jonathon, but I am the user that counts, and adding me 
to the sudoers and the sudo group still does not get me rights to run 
any graphical package manager safe to use, like synaptic, because 
something, I believe to be in polkit1 overrides the sudo and asks for 
the unk root pw. My grepping thru that area of /etc has not found te 
responsible file however.  I have fixed that by mounting the card on 
this machine and nuking the root pw'd x, than back into the pi and 
setting a new pw that I know.  But while I have 18 years of putzing with 
linux, I most assuredly would not recommend that exotic a fix to be done 
by a windows escapee.

The paranoia exhibited by such actions indicates an excess of holier then 
thou attitudes and needs to be called out as totally un-acceptable to 
the savvy user who is convinced the machine is his, and wants to make it 
do as he pleases.  IMO that level of paranoia has no place in the open 
source arena.  So I'm up on my high horse calling the vendors doing that 
out. These people are, IMNSHO, giving debian a bad user experience that 
does not have to be, and that should not be laid on your doorstep, but 

I should clarify that I've had no such problems with your own 
distributions running on x86 hardware, but all of my machinery running 
machines are still on wheezy, as is this one just to be 100% compatible, 
and will continue to be until such time as the security updates cease. 
It Just Works. Converting to jessie is a pretty long step, and with the 
non-stability of systemd tossed in, which has the possibility of 
wrecking a part you've already sunk a thou$and in time and materials 
into while completeing it this far, litterally on the final finish cut 
to final micron accurate size, is subject to us finding a fix BEFORE we 
start making the next copy. That WILL be done even if we have to build 
our own kernels as we've been doing for 15+ years now. However, applying 
the rtai patch kit to get the IRQ response times this software needs, 
has gotten progressively more difficult. To have kernel 4.4.34-v7+ #930 
SMP run it on the arm was a very pleasant surprise as the later x86 
kernels have worse and worse latency.

I'll get me coat now, I've said my piece.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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