On Tuesday 07 February 2017 00:13:42 rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Monday, February 06, 2017 06:24:40 PM Dan Purgert wrote:
> > It's a bit hard to figure out what you're actually seeing happen though,
> > since your post somehow repeated itself several times, in a pretty big
> > mess (there wasn't a given start / end of one post, but rather several
> > copies interleaved).
> Oops, sorry about that.
> I'll send a new email and make sure that is corrected.
> Explanation (for anyone that cares ;-) My mouse is giving up the ghost,
> often issuing two clicks when I click it instead of just one--I wrote the
> email in another editor and then copied / pasted it to an email using my
> mouse--it apparently clicked twice and inserted the text twice.

The copy that reached me was worse than that.  Just twice would have been a 
doddle!!  Several, interleaved.  Perhaps descend from the heady heights of 
FLOSS and use ctrl-C, ctrl-V for now?


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