rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Thursday, February 09, 2017 07:21:58 AM Dan Purgert wrote:
>> rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:
>> > I noticed today that those statistics pages do tell me the size of the
>> > MTUs
>> > 
>> > On the:       MTU is:
>> > WAN VC        1540
>> > Ethernet      1500
>> Yuck.  Hate it when people start mucking around with MTUs ...
> If somebody was mucking about with MTUs it tweren't me.  I'm guessing
> those are set in the modem [...]

Yes, Earthlink is mucking aound with MTUs.  As (I think) has been
previously mentioned, Ethernet is 1500 bytes.

TYPICALLY one would see that a MTU is *lowered* on a pppoe connection,
rahter than *raised*.  Suppose at the end of the day, if the guys
handling it know what they're doing, it doesn't much matter one way or
the other -- but it can cause loads of "fun" problems, especially when
the guys who know what they're doing end up training their third-world
contractor replacements.

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