Hello all, 

there is a weired thing happening. Maybe it is by chance, but maybe it is a 

As my TV is dead, since 4 weeks I am looking television with my notebook. The 
application for dvb-t I am using is me-tv.

Now it happens, that 14 days ago my first notebook suddenly switched off, but 
could be started again after some minutes. This happened during the last week 
3 times, but now the mainboard is dead. 

Now, the same thing happens to my netbook. Watching tv with me-tv, then 
suddenly it switches off. this happened now two times.

Obviously the cpu is getting too hot. However, several years ago I had a 
similar problem by a broken cooling fan. The machine went too hot and switched 

But there is a difference: The years ago I could see in the logs (syslog, 
kern.log), that the cpu went too hot. Today there are no entries.

This is strange and I think, me-tv might suppress things. My notebooks were 
running on 100 cpu power for hours in the past (for example by building a 
kernel)  but never switched off. 

Just when running me-tv. IMO me-tv is using full power of cpu and gpu. 
But that should not overheat the computer.

When I force the cpu to powersave, the notebooks never switched off.

Maybe I see ghosts, but I think it worth to be mentioned. Maybe someone else, 
who might using me-tv, and got into the same problem or notices strange 
things, can confirm or deny this. 

And maybe there is a bug in me-tv, which kills mainboards, then it might be 
dicovered before others are hit by this.

Just wanted to mention it.

Thanks for reading this.

Best regards



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