On Thu 03 Aug 2017 at 15:43:15 (+0200), Rodolfo Medina wrote:
> Rodolfo Medina <rodolfo.med...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Jeremy Nicoll <jn.ml.dbn...@letterboxes.org> writes:
> >
> >> On Thu, 3 Aug 2017, at 13:23, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
> >>
> >>> 3) mic2 is stereo.
> >>
> >> Not necessarily.  It might be a mono signal that's been duplicated across
> >> two outputs.
> Is there, as far as you know, a mono microphone model that we can be sure it
> does not do so?  I.e., its sound is heared on only one channel?

Most mono microphones will be fitted with a plug that has a tip and
barrel, but no ring (between the two). The effects you observe could
be no more than chance vagarities in the mechanical construction of
plug and socket.

> >> It's only 2-channel if it can record two separate sounds at the
> >> same time.
> >>
> >> You can get microphones which, in a single unit, record more than one 
> >> channel at once.  Their labelling or artwork on them normally makes it 
> >> clear that they have L and R (or more than that) inputs.
> >>
> >> What makes and models are your mics?
> >
> >
> > I can't tell, because they're old and I don't keep their specs.  One of them
> > was given to me about 15 years ago, the other I don't even remember how I
> > have it.  But I've got another teo: they are, each of them, part of a
> > headphone.  They also let hear the recorded sound from both channels.  They
> > are:
> >
> >  http://www.trust.com/it/product/11916-primo-chat-headset
> >
> > and
> >
> >  http://www.trust.com/it/product/20685-mauro-headset
> Just now I received a reply from Trust assistence and they say the mic (Primo)
> is mono.
> Anyway, about my example above, can we conclude that mic1 is mono and that the
> mic input of my PC is stereo...?

If you want to know whether the input is stereo, plug in a cable which
has a stereo 3.5mm plug going to two phono plugs. (These computer↔monitor
sound cables were everywhere at one time.) Touch just the pin of each
phono plug in turn and see if you get mains hum separately on the
left and right channels of the computer.

If you're keen to use these microphones and you have the budget and
attitude of a school pupil, buy two mono 3.5mm sockets and a twin
phono socket unit. Solder the connections yourself using the phone
socket pair to anchor the 3.5mm ones and give it stability. Then
connect this device to the computer with the aforementioned cable
and plug in the mikes.


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