On Thu, Aug 03, 2017 at 10:59:39PM +0500, Илья Валеев wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm unable to change mouse acceleration and threshold in Stretch.
> It does not depend on DE. There are no error appears. For example, in
> KDE settings applies correctly, ~/.kde/share/config/kcminputrc creates
> and contain properly values, but mouse behavior does not changes.
> 'xset m 3 1' also does not change anything.
> It does not depend on:
> - Stretch 9.0 or Stretch 9.1
> - is it clean install or not
> - mouse
> - is it virtual machine with Jessie host or real system

I use xfce, and a trackball (which requires a couple custom
xorg.conf.d settings to work the way I like).

The man page for xset says under "mouse" that xinput "should be used
if you need device-specific settings."

Do you have any custom Xorg config, or are you just configuring via
kde gui?

(Hopefully someone else can be more helpful.)

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