On 09/02/2017 12:21 PM, Tom Browder wrote:
> My Linux user group is setting up one desktop computer and one laptop
> computer for lending to our local library as an educational resource for
> folks who want to explore what Linux is all about.  We are using Debian
> 9 for now.
> I am open to any suggestions for standard packages we should add. I have
> already installed gcc and friends as well as Scilab, R, Perl 6, and some
> other stuff, including emacs.
> I would especially appreciate other ideas for programming editors for
> novice programmers.

If you are setting it up with Gnome, the included gedit isn't half bad
and pretty easy to use. A quick check for C, Python, Go, R, and Perl
shows useful and appropriate highlighting of comments, strings,
functions, and the like.

Tom Dial

> Thanks.
> Best regards,
> -Tom

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