On Sat, Sep 2, 2017 at 2:21 PM, Tom Browder <tom.brow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My Linux user group is setting up one desktop computer and one laptop
> computer for lending to our local library as an educational resource for
> folks who want to explore what Linux is all about.  We are using Debian 9
> for now.

Great initiative. May I know the location of this library?

> I am open to any suggestions for standard packages we should add. I have
> already installed gcc and friends as well as Scilab, R, Perl 6, and some
> other stuff, including emacs.

Two things:
1) Please make it "very easy" to request and install new packages. No
matter what set of packages are installed at first, there will be a
few packages that a few users would like to see. So putting a big fat
notice as to how to get new software installed would go a long way.

2) Please install python3 and the relevant libraries such as numpy, pandas etc.,

> I would especially appreciate other ideas for programming editors for novice
> programmers.

I recommend vim and zim. The former is great for writing code and the
latter is great for planning and organization.

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi | http://raju.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Blog

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