On Sun 17 Sep 2017 at 18:43:18 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:

> On Sunday 17 September 2017 16:39:25 x9p wrote:
> > > Since the /etc/hosts file can also contain aliases, the ideaL way
> > > would seem to be to make use of that. Example:
> > > 192.168.x.z       localhost.localdomain   localhost
> >
> > You are right, this solves the problem of the DNS lookup / X seconds
> > delay to run sudo even with a buggy DNS server:
> >
> > root@localhost:~# head -1 /etc/hosts
> >       localhost localhost.localdomain
> >
> In this case it should make only microseconds difference, but the first 
> name given s/b the FQDN, the 2nd and other space separated strings on 
> the same line would be the alias's.  In the above case, that would 
> interchange the pair of strings. But I doubt if the time difference 
> could be measured w/o some fancy machine assistance.
> > Should be on debian by default in my opinion.
> I agree, but I don't have permission to even blow the whistle on this 
> train called linux. :) Basically someone decides its more secure, 
> without considering the amount of time that 1000 others like you will 
> expend restoring what is to you, normal near instant operation.  Maybe 
> it is a good idea, but the person who made that change is too busy 
> hiding from the hordes to even consider sticking up his keyboard and 
> justifying the change, including what we have to change to keep 
> everything running.

The last time I recollect this "someone" sticking his head above
the parapet was in the thread beginning at


The hordes retreated in the face of strong technical (non-security
related) argument.


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