On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 11:38:05AM +0000, Curt wrote:
> On 2017-09-18, x9p <debian-u...@x9pneu.com> wrote:
> > My chosen machine name was "localhost", problem partially lies here.
> Yeah, man. 
> My uncle Harry had a similar problem when it occurred to him that--for
> reasons of simplicity and because of a failing memory--he might christen
> two recently-purchased kittens with identical names. Whenever he called
> one of them there would be a considerable delay (each of them assuming
> he was calling the other).
> Of course cats never come when you call them anyway (which is a clue
> the story may be apocryphal). 

The story makes more sense in this context if your uncle names his
kitten "Me".

Uncle Harry: "Have you seen Me?"
Aunt Berta: "You're standing right there."
Harry: "Not me.  Me."
Berta; "Have you been drinking the rubbing alcohol again?"

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