On Mon 18 Sep 2017 at 06:32:55 -0300, x9p wrote:

(Please watch your attributioms; it confuses matters. x9p did not write

> > This is the default from the last stretch install
> >
> > $ cat /etc/hosts
> >       localhost
> >       fujitsu.mydomain    fujitsu
> >
> > so if mydomain or localdomain is not working it will delay.
> >
> >       fujitsu fujitsu.mydomain
> >
> > will not delay because fujitsu is the name of the machine.
> >
> > in my case mydomain was added at installation time, because cable was
> > plugged in and the computer (fujitsu) got its IP via the dhcp server on
> > the
> > local network.
> >
> > IMO you should look deeper in your use case and see why you get invalid
> > setup. The problem might be somewhere else.
> >
> > regards
> My chosen machine name was "localhost", problem partially lies here.

The hosts manual says each host should have a line like

  IP_address canonical_hostname [aliases...]

By implication the catonical_hostname should be for one IP_address. You
have (had?)

  root@localhost:~# grep localhost /etc/hosts       localhost       localhost

The first line is ok; the canonical_hostname localhost has the address The second line is not ok.

The file /etc/hostname has the system hostname; it should not be
"localhost". If it was "stretch" then the second line should be       stretch

(This becomes a little more complicated if a mail server is one of the
services being run on the machine).


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