On Mon 18 Sep 2017 at 17:47:18 -0300, x9p wrote:

> > True, we know the OP has a problem with with sudo. What we do not know
> > is the hostname he chose during the installation, although it looks like
> > it was "localhost" from the second line of
> >
> >       localhost
> >       localhost
> root@localhost:~# cat /etc/hostname
> localhost
> > The installer recommends a single word for the hostname. The "single"
> > aspect is the result of a number of years of experience and bug reports.
> > Although "localhost.localdomain" is not an invalid hostname the OP does
> > not appear to have used it. (We have not been given the contents of his
> > /etc/hostname explicitly).
> I agree choosing "localhost" is wrong per-RFC. But I have been doing it
> for years and stuff never broke. stretch+sudo 1.8.19p1-2.1 is a first. Bad
> luck of me.
> > What was the problem with his resolv.conf? Have I missed that?
> Hardcoded company nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf that only works when VPN
> is up. VPN was down and problem appeared.

Thank you for expanding on this. You did mention before the nameserver
you were using, but I missed the significance.


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