Thomas Amm wrote:

> Have you tried mp3split-gtk? Should do exactly that.

I installed now mp3splt-gtk

It looks like it would do exactly what I need, but when I press the play
button, it says "gstreamer error: Internal data stream error"

(22:26:24) Warning: No decoder available for type 'application/x-id3'.
(22:26:24) gstreamer error: Your GStreamer installation is missing a
(22:26:24) gstreamer error: Internal data stream error.

installed the crap gstreamer1.0-plugins-good and it worked as expected.

The only problem left is that it does not produce the splitted file names
from the original file.

It says "description here_part1.mp3"

I don't know if it is the file name itself is a problem. If you have some
other nice advice, it's welcome

thank you all


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