On 11/07/2017 01:50 PM, Will Mengarini wrote:
* Stephen P Molnar <s.mol...@sbcglobal.net> [17-11/07=Tu 07:20 -0500]:
I am running Firefox ESR 52.4.0 (64 bit) on my [up-to-date
Stretch platform.  When] I attempt opening Intellicast,
either with Speeddial or tying the URL, Firefox crashes.

This just started happening yesterday
and there are no warnings or errors.
* Joe <j...@jretrading.com> [17-11/07=Tu 16:03 +0000]:
Not from that site, but if I call up my bank's login page, the tab
crashes.  This began about six months ago, and I put it down to
[emphasis added].  It is 52.4.0/64bit on Sid, also kept up to date.
I use NoScript, but even with all scripts enabled, it still crashes.

Konqueror opens that page without crashing, but
fails to actually enter login details.  Midori
did work, but stopped a couple of weeks ago.

I actually have upstream FF56 separately installed, which
works on that page, but that doesn't have a working
'back' button, so I use it only for the bank site.
We're reaching a point where legislative intervention would be
justified.  None of this scripting benefits users; it doesn't
even benefit the companies purveying the services.  Instead,
it benefits the marketroids that have made a livelihood out of
persuading PHBs that what they do benefits their employers.

HTML 1.0 can do everything we need from a bank site.
It doesn't even need graphics, let alone scripting.

But it does need security, which both scripting and graphics compromise.

I'm not aware of any bank wise enough to offer an
HTML 1.0 interface that can be browsed by Lynx.

I have the impression that website/browser capabilities are
now far beyond being deterministic or even vaguely testable.
When the heavy hand of government is starting to look preferable
to market forces, we're in truly-late-stage capitalism.

(1) I am not a crook.
(2) America does not torture.
(3) Don't be evil.

I appreciate the replies.

I'm probably going to have to change browsers, although I like the way the Firefox handles Speeddial.

Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.                Life is a fuzzy set
www.molecular-modeling.net              Stochastic and multivariate
(614)312-7528 (c)
Skype: smolnar1

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