On 11/07/2017 07:40 PM, cgi...@surfnaked.ca wrote:
Quoting "Stephen P. Molnar" <s.mol...@sbcglobal.net>:

On 11/07/2017 01:50 PM, Will Mengarini wrote:

* Stephen P Molnar <s.mol...@sbcglobal.net> [17-11/07=Tu 07:20 -0500]:

I am running Firefox ESR 52.4.0 (64 bit) on my [up-to-date
Stretch platform.  When] I attempt opening Intellicast,
either with Speeddial or tying the URL, Firefox crashes.

This just started happening yesterday
and there are no warnings or errors.

I'm not aware of any bank wise enough to offer an
HTML 1.0 interface that can be browsed by Lynx.

Not that they aren't wise enough, but their sites wouldn't be pretty enough. Gotta have bling, y'know.

I have the impression that website/browser capabilities are
now far beyond being deterministic or even vaguely testable.

Complexity is a weapon.  (The KISS principle is a countermeasure.)

When the heavy hand of government is starting to look preferable
to market forces, we're in truly-late-stage capitalism.

(1) I am not a crook.
(2) America does not torture.
(3) Don't be evil.

I appreciate the replies.

I'm probably going to have to change browsers, although I like the way the Firefox handles Speeddial.

Have you tried Seamonkey? It's a variant that I switched to when Firefox release 29 changed its user interface in ways I didn't like. Does the job for me.

And I make sure to shut it down when I'm finished surfing the web.

Good suggestion. I looked in the Stretch distribution a couple of days ago, but, of course, Seamonkey had been removed.

I downloaded and compiled the src from The Seamonkey Project. Compiling the src reminded me of years ago when I used to compile the Linux kernel - an agonizingly long procedure, but it finally finished. The browser still crashed when loading www,distrowatch.com!!!

Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.                Life is a fuzzy set
www.molecular-modeling.net              Stochastic and multivariate
(614)312-7528 (c)
Skype: smolnar1

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