On Mon 26 Feb 2018 at 12:42:25 (-0600), Richard Owlett wrote:
> On 02/26/2018 10:54 AM, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Am 2018-02-26 hackte Richard Owlett in die Tasten:
> >>I am finding lots of information on detailed low level configuration:
> >>e.g. <http://zensites.net/fvwm/guide/index.html>
> >>
> >>I'm using almost a default install changing only the wallpaper and the
> >>default font size for menus.
> >>
> >>I'm getting swamped by too much fine detail. It's not only a case of
> >>"not seeing the forest for the trees" but also "not seeing the trees for
> >>the leaves"
> >>
> >>Suggestions?
> >
> ><http://www.fvwm.org/>
> ><http://www.fvwm.org/documentation/faq/>
> ><http://fvwmforums.org/>
> >#fvwm on <freenode.net>
> >
> ><http://www.xteddy.org/fvwm/user_enumerate.html>
> ><http://linuxgazette.net/127/adam.html>
> ><http://ultharine.ninthgate.se/fvwm/>
> ><http://fvwm-crystal.sourceforge.net/>
> ><http://ironphoenix.org/tril/fvwm/configs/>
> ><http://fvwm-themes.sourceforge.net/>
> ><http://www.twobarleycorns.net/fvwm-decors.html>
> ><
> >
> Selecting from contents of items in your list:
> 1. https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-gui-list/1998-November/msg00074.html
>    could be thought of as a HOWTO write what I'm looking for.
> 2. 
> http://www.fvwm.org/documentation/faq/#what-exactly-is-the-difference-between-a-desk-a-page-and-the-screen
>    is a sample of the writing style/format of what I'm looking.
>    As a bonus, it all but explicitly states that the "out of the
> box" configuration of fvwm solves my *PROBLEM*.
> Without *ANY* customization, how much more can fvwm do for me?
> Perhaps I should have used "good advertising copy" rather than
> _Owner's Manual_ or _Operator's Manual_ as an example of what I'm
> looking for.

After making sure you've got a backup of a "good" .fvwm/config
it's very easy to experiment with your configuration. Open the file
in an editor, make some changes and save the file. (Don't exit.)

Click in the root window and you should be able to find a Restart item
on the menu. Click on it and for a moment the windows will all lose
their decorations.  A moment later, they return and you're now running
the new configuration.

Carry on editing, and try something elseā€¦ad infinitum.


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