On 07/15/2018 06:44 AM, Reco wrote:

On Sun, Jul 15, 2018 at 12:16:20PM +0200, Harald Dunkel wrote:
Hi folks,

would you mind to take a look at


The fix is pretty easy.

But does not address all the cornercases, IMO.
Consider, for instance, an LXC container which shares root filesystem
with the host.

Whats really bugging me is that nobody
dares to touch the complex code of lsb-base. IMHO this is a clear
indication that Debian lost the blessed path other Unixes do follow.

Agreed. Debian drifted away from LSB several years ago, so the lack of
maintainers' interest is sad, but is to be expected.

What is your suggestion here? Apply the patch I provided (or maybe a
better one), or get rid of lsb-base completely?

Aim to ditch lsb-base in the long run.
For here and now I'd used something like 'pgrep -x --ns 1
$DAEMON_EXECUTABLE' instead of pidof.

I didn't know what "lsb-base" was when I read original post.
Not sure I know now ;/
Did web search. Found it's an acronym for "Linux Standard Base".
Found its purpose was to provide outside programmers a "sane" &/or "consistent" target.

Is it of any use to Debian _users_ who *ONLY* use official Debian repositories?

I know that is a "loaded" question".
Answers should be "food for thought."

IOW Can I a Debian user opt to not install "LSB" without ill effects?

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