On 2018-07-21 09:56, mick crane wrote:
On 2018-07-21 09:39, john doe wrote:

my interfaces file is identical and apache starts OK so it is probably something else.
in /lib/systemd/system/apache2.target

do you have the "after" bit

       1 [Unit]
       2 Description=The Apache HTTP Server
       3 After=network.target remote-fs.target nss-lookup.target

Or looking if "NetworkManager-wait-online.service" is enabled.
For systemd-networkd that is : "systemd-networkd-wait-online.service".


If your '/etc/network/interfaces' file is empty with the exception of
the 'lo' interface, your interfaces are probably handled by an other
"program" and you need to determine which "program" is responsible for
your interfaces.

I'm quite cheerful as everything seems to be working but it wouldn't
hurt to find out and may assist OP.
Can you give clue where to look ?
Not knowing much about systemd

just quickly looking

seems that the default is to wait for all interfaces ?

     21 # Which interface to wait for.
22 # If none given, wait for all auto interfaces, or if there are none,
     23 # wait for at least one hotplug interface.


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