On Monday 10 December 2018 02:45:43 Thomas Schmitt wrote:

> Hi,
> md wrote:
> > When copying a dvd to file on the harddrive, I'm getting [...]
> > MD> sudo dd if=/dev/sr0 of=/sdb1/movie.iso
> > 32596480 bytes (33 MB, 31 MiB) copied, 7.00018 s, 4.7 MB/s
> > dd: error reading '/dev/sr0': Input/output error
> Do you see fresh messages in the output of dmesg ?
> Like
>   Dec  2 13:56:33 ... kernel: [...] Sense Key : Medium Error [current]
>   Dec  2 13:56:33 ... kernel: [...] Info fld=0x69c0
>   Dec  2 13:56:33 ... kernel: [...] sr 2:0:0:0: [sr0]
>   Dec  2 13:56:33 ... kernel: [...] Add. Sense: Unrecovered read error
>   Dec  2 13:56:33 ... kernel: [...] sr 2:0:0:0: [sr0] CDB:
>   Dec  2 13:56:33 ... kernel: [...] Read(10): 28 00 00 00 69 b8 00 00
> 40 00
> What do you get from
>   xorriso -outdev /dev/sr0 \
>           -check_media use=outdev \
>           data_to=/sdb1/movie.udf \
>           --
> (It will at least show error messages directly.)
> Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Classic slow spinup.
> After 33 MiB of reading ?

That much would would also invalidate the dry sliders theory 
> (We have a bug in the kernel since 2008 which prevents waiting for the
>  drive to become ready after automatic tray loading. But this causes
>  0 bytes of read result and lets dd end immediately.)
I've noted that too.

> > You can get a better dvd drive
> Read failures of decaying drives often show surprising
> success-or-error patterns. Depending on how idvdbackup accesses the
> drive, its doings might be beneficial.
> But reading in
>   http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man1/dvdbackup.1.html
>   "-M, --mirror
>                  backup the whole DVD"
> i'd expect it to read sequentiall, like dd does.
> So more questions to md:
> - Does a second or third dd run yield success if no dvdbackup was run
>   inbetween ?
> - Does dvdbackup yield a complete set of files if you let it work
>   until it ends on its own ?
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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