On 5/4/19, Ross Boylan <rossboy...@stanfordalumni.org> wrote:
> Running firefox-esr on buster I don't seem to be able to install
> addons.  I tried selenium IDE and katalon.  Has Debian blocked the
> installation of addons?  I don't see indications of that in the docs
> or the net.
> Likewise, I know selenium (and maybe katalon) have had compatibility
> issues with some versions of FF, but the page from which I installed
> the addons (which was via the addon manager in FF) doesn't mention
> anything.
> And, if FF selectively blocks addons for which a Debian package is
> available, that doesn't seem to apply since there are no such
> packages.  There are some selenium packages, but not as a FF
> extension.
> Any ideas?

How about... extremely EMBARRASSINGLY expired certificate(s)? Just
read this about 5 minutes ago:


Does anyone know if that might affect things in this manner?

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with birdseed *

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