On Sat, May 04, 2019 at 02:34:16PM -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:
> Just wanted to draw people's attention to a couple of things:
> "There are a number of work-arounds being discussed in the community.
> These are not recommended as they may conflict with fixes we are
> deploying. We’ll let you know when further updates are available that
> we recommend, and appreciate your patience. (May 4, 15:01 EST)"
> >>From the updates on the bottom of
> https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2019/05/04/update-regarding-add-ons-in-firefox/
> Second, that blog entry will supposedly be updated as things unfold,
> so it may be at least a semi-authoritative way to track what's going
> on.

This worked for one extremely humble (wink wink) user:

in particula, temporarily disabling xpinstall.signatures.required :

 1) Open about:config
 2) Toggle the value of xpinstall.signatures.required so it becomes false.
 3) Restart the browser.

This epitome of submission did not need step 3).

I suggest writing one's elf a little note to try re-enabling this in
a day or two.

Good luck ;)

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