D. R. Evans, on 2019-09-05:
> Dan Ritter wrote on 9/5/19 9:36 AM:
> > D. R. Evans wrote:
> > > D. R. Evans wrote on 9/1/19 8:51 AM:
> > > > How do I configure konqueror in buster so that I can run more
> > > > than one instance?
> > >
> > > I haven't seen any responses to this. Is it perhaps, for reasons
> > > I can't even begin to guess, by design not even possible to run
> > > multiple instances of konqueror under buster?? Or (I hope) am I
> > > just missing some simple configuration option?
> >
> > I've never used konqueror, but a good first question is: how do
> > you expect to run multiple instances of konqueror elsewhere?
> Either type "konqueror" at the command line, or select
> "Konqueror" from the normal KDE menu system.
> > What error messages do you get when trying the same thing in
> > buster?
> None.

On my side, the window manager happily brings up the first
konqueror window having been started, and the "konqueror"
command gives back the hand to the shell, instead of spawning a
new window, which I believe is the expected behaviour ?

According to my few tests and browsing diverse konqueror related
documents, it would seem that running several konqueror
processes is technically prevented by various means, probably
on purpose.  Perhaps you can work this around some way or
another, depending on your use case.  If by "instances", you

- "several windows", then you can specify an "URL" to your
  "konqueror" command, like for instance:

        $ konqueror . # brings up a new window showing the CWD

- "another X display", then you can specify this using the
  adequate option, as advertised by the manual:

        $ konqueror --display :1.0

- "another process with its own environment" or "another version
  side by side for development purpose", then Will Mengarini
  just provided us with a seemingly adequate hack a few minutes
> A general solution to problems like this is to run the alternate
> instance as a different user.  Example:
>   adduser doppel # also creates /home/doppel
>   sudo -u doppel konqueror # may use /home/doppel for new config files

I recall a side thread about profiles, and thought about trying
its advertised option in the manual of konqueror(1), but no
effects.  According to the source code, it looks like the
concept of profiles became obsolete at some point because,
according to client/kfmclient.cpp:

        bool ClientApp::openProfile(const QString &profileName, const QUrl 
&url, const QString &mimetype)
            Q_UNUSED(profileName); // the concept disappeared
            return createNewWindow(url, false, false, mimetype);

It's been more than a decade since I used konqueror on a daily
basis, not sure how helpful is my intervention, but hopefully it
is informative.

Kind Regards,  :)
Étienne Mollier <etienne.moll...@mailoo.org>
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